Friday, 22 February 2013

The development of the PVA functional model for the Simulink environment

Recently we are mainly contributed to design the PVA MODEL for GUI environment. It is the main part and the objective of this project is to develop the PVA functional model to simulate the photovoltaic solar cell output. This part uses the modeling stage 2 as a subsystem. The design circuit is shown below:
The Powergui block is used and necessary for any simulink model which contains SimPowerSystems blocks. It can store the equivalent simulink circuit. The other part in this model is mainly used to assign values to each variable in the photovoltaic cell voltage. In the above figure, it can be seen that Ns represents the number of the solar cells in series and is 8 in this model. Np represents the number of the solar cells in parallel and is 1. Tx and Sx are used to represent current value of temperature and solar irradiation and they are 15.9908 centigrade and 102.9493. The temperature is converted into Kelvin in equation of this model. The referent temperature Tc and irradiation Sc is given in the modeling stage 2 and the value is 20 centigrade and 100. According to the equation 1 which is:
It can be calculated that the maximum current is Ic=Iph+I0=5.1352 and the minimum current is: Ic=0. To make the voltage positive we use a Saturation component to limit the current in the range of 0 to 5.1. Then it can be obtained that the maximum voltage is: Vc=229.57 and the minimum voltage is: Vc=116.87.

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